Workshop  /  February 03, 2015


New possibilities for effective on-site sterilization

No other science and technology field is so innovative and so dynamically driven by research and development as medical technology. Increasingly complex medical conditions, a higher life expectancy, as well as the high pressure to rationalize healthcare not only provide good future opportunities for companies in the field of medical technology, but also imply systemic risks.

One of the biggest risk factors in medical care include postoperative and nosocomial infections. The additional costs for reducing these infections amount to 1-2 billion euros / year. This results in a growing social and political action. A key approach to minimize the risk of infections is to offer a secure, flexible and fast hygiene assurance processes. In particular thermolabile microsystems, instruments or implants with intelligent sensors can be currently only sterilized with existing time-consuming procedures at high cost. Cell therapeutic preparations cannot be currently reliably sterilized at all.

SteriHealth® project, funded by the Fraunhofer -Gesellschaft, focuses on the development of a highly effective hygiene assurance process for providing sterile packaged medical devices to hospitals, practitioners and elderly. An integral part of the development is a "mini-sterilizer" based on the gentle, yet highly effective electron beam technology to provide on-site sterilization within a few seconds.

A consortium, comprised of six institutes, cordially invites you to this workshop and looks forward to a lively discussion.

Please note that the workshop language is German.



Fraunhofer FEP